Anyone Have Advice On Week After 1st Cycle Of RVD?
My first cycle was ok. Had to hold Rev b/c of a rash. Dex had me cleaning my house, but very foggy headed (felt too spacy to drive, etc.) Now, I'm wondering if anyone has advice on how to recover and prepare on this week off. (Foods to eat, exercise,etc.) Thanks. I hope you all are well.
Here are some tips and advice for managing the week after the first cycle of RVD (Revlimid, Velcade, and Dexamethasone):
- Stay Organized: Keep a calendar or planner to track your medication schedule and appointments. This helps ensure you don't miss any doses or important check-ups
- Monitor Side Effects: Be aware of Show Full Answer
Amen to that
Just saw your post 12 days too late.
Were you off all meds that week?
If so, I hope you just enjoyed feeling normal again. I know I did on my off weeks.
Have Any Of You Taken Xprovio?
Hai, I Am On Clinical Trail Of Chemo. One Cycle Finished. I Feel Much Better As Compared To Bortizomib And Carfilzomib.
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