Covid-19 Vaccination?
Should people with MM take this vaccine?
I took my first one today,no side effects
They gave me the Pfizer Vaccine and I will get the next shot on 2/11/21. I did not have any side effects with the exception that my arm was sore.
My Oncologist wanted me to take the vaccine. I took it and did nit have any bad side effects
Please consult you Oncologist first. Everyone is and may have underlying conditions.
I asked my oncologist and was told to get it. (My heart doc told me to also.) Just ask them if there's anything special you should do. I have to be off my one med, I'm on maintenance therapy. It went very well for me, I've only had one shot yet but had worse side effects from the re-vaccinations I had to get post SCT. I'm glad I got it.
Reactions From Various Vaccinations At Once
I Have Had 2 Blood Tests With An M Spike. Not Very High.0.3. Then I Had A Covid Vaccine Booster.
Is It Ok To Have More Than One Vaccination At A Time; They Won't Counteract Each Other?