Been Reading About Patients Should Have A Specialist In Myeloma. What Does Any One Or Everyone Think Of This? Thanks
Hi Notthebest, I think it is essential to have a Myeloma Specialist or an Oncologist that sees a lot of Myeloma Patients. Research in the Myeloma world is changing rapidly. New drugs, New Treatments, New Treatment Combinations. They are developing precision medicine that will be able to target the type of Myeloma that you have increasing a better outcome for the patient. Therapies such as CAR-T and Biites are in clinical trials. They are on the cusp of finding a cure. You want a doctor that is up on the latest happenings with access to the latest clinical trials etc. Myeloma is a complicated disease. They are finding out more each day about this disease. Love, Marcia🌸
Each myeloma patient is different and all the possible treatments are so complex that it takes a myeloma expert to sort out your individual best treatment option. So you need a consult with an expert to start you on the right path. Then your local oncologist can carry out the plan.
I see my local oncologist but my specialist is at MDAnderson in Houston, Texas. I see my specialist every 3 months and she determines the course of treatment and then my local oncologist follows her plan. I am originally from Texas so going to MDAnderson was a no brainer for me. They are wonderful!!!
As was mentioned before, MM is a very complex illness. The doctor needs to be up on his game. He has to be aware of all the drugs coming out, as well as clinical trials. It’s my understanding that the medication regime you start out on can make a big difference in your outcome. So having or consulting with a MM specialist is extremely important. I wish you all the best!❤️
Yes, a specialist is highly recommended. Even if you have to travel a couple times a year for their input. Myeloma patients live 38% longer with a specialist💕
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