Anyone Been On Revlimid And Dexamthasone 2 Weeks On And Two Weeks Off Because Of Rash And Itchiness
When I first started taking the Revlimid I too experienced a very itchy scalp. I thought I had lice 🤣. The good news is that it eventually went away as my body got used to it. There is hope...
I currently am on 3 weeks and off one in hopes of boosting my red and white blood counts.
Wishing you much luck my friend?
I have been on since July 2022;
Revlimid 25 mg, Velcade 3 weeks on, 1 week off, Acyclovir ,
and Dexamethasone 5 pills once a week. Once in remission , stopped Velcade and Acyclovir.
Revlimid decreased to 10 mg
I had terrible rashes after each day of Dexamethasone .
Once dr stopped it. rash went away, as did the itchiness.
Yes, some people on Revlimid (lenalidomide) and dexamethasone have experienced rashes and itchiness. Here are some relevant points from the knowledge base:
- Rashes and Itchiness: Rashes are a frequent side effect of lenalidomide (Revlimid). Many members of MyMyelomaTeam have reported developing rashes and experiencing Show Full Answer
I was on three weeks on and one week off but experience rash and itch scalp.
Has anyone been on two weeks on and two weeks off or Revlimid on alternate days?
I was three weeks on a one off because of a rash.
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