Revlimid ??? Looking For Input
My husband’s Multiple Myeloma is in remission (thank heavens). Ever since then he’s been prescribed a maintenance dose of a drug called Revlimid manufactured by Celgine Pharmaceuticals. In Jan of every yr., we have to lay $2500. then it’s $780 per month for the 21-day supply. He’s on it 21 days then 7 days off. These amounts represent the out-of-pocket costs after Medicare and a Cadillac supplement. We explored several avenues to no avail. This is a real hardship. Does anyone know of any… read more
Healthwell foundation, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Contact Luekemia and Lymphoma. They may help you with your co pay. It is a society that helps
On youtube look for Katie Porter's session with the Revlimid head and the CEO Celgene President. She nailed him over the horrifc cost rises. Then thank Katie for her fights on our behalf! Leann4
Have you tried contacting The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society they may be able to help you with funds
American cancer society has grants for MM up to 11K and you can apply with them. Depending on your family income, if over the limit for their grant you can apply directly to the manufacturer and they will assist you with the deductible after you pay 3 percent of your income toward the deductibles.
Whom Amongst You Are Part Of A Support Group?
Is Having A Plasmacytoma With MM A Concern For Treatment?
My Partner Was Given The Choice To Be Administered X-Geva Or Zometa For Bone Strengthening. Any Good Or Bad Input, For Either?