Anyone Familiar With The Genetic Translocation (11-14)
I have the t(11-14) genetic mutations. What have doctors told you about treatments and future outcomes with this translocation.
Debra, Translocation 11-14 is considered high risk because it is a Chromosomal defect and yes Venclexta seems to be working well for this type of Myeloma. It is rarer than some types of Myeloma’s but still very treatable. Love, Marcia 🌸
I have the 11:14 . There is a few of us on here with it . I was put on Venclexta and it worked really well . Had a SCT and bone marrow is showing remission .
I had a similar result, they categorized me as low risk
I had SCT in November
Thank you. I just read that venclexta was working well for t(11-14) looking at sct in Feb
I Would Like To Know If A Translocation Can Change Your Risk From Standard Risk To High Risk.
What Are Deletions
Anyone Have The 4:14 Translocation?