Can Someone Tell Me What Range Is For M Protein In Patients Diagnosed With MM?
Thanks Roro0348 for your response
Hi Bob, my M-spike runs from .8 to 1.0 month to month and has not changed any in last 18 months. My Myeloma specialist at UAB Birmingham says that is ok, that consistency is the main concern, so I try not to dwell on it so hope this helps answer your question. Hang in there with the rest of us and do fun things!!!
Thanks for your response .
Bob G, I don’t know if there is a range, I know that any M Spike is abnormal, I believe anything above a .30 to be Myeloma. The amount of the protein - the (immunoglobulin) can change but the type such as the IGg or IGa etc doesn't change. Ask your doctor and let me know his answer, Thanks! Love, Marcia
Will do. Thanks
What Is IFE M Spike? Result IgG Kappa Band Present Value 5140
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I Got My Labs Want To Know What This Mean Ig Freechain Kappa 325 High The Ig Flc Kappa /Lambda Ratio 123 Normal Range Ig Light Chain Lambda