Does Anyone Experience A Stinging Sensation Along With Bone Pain ( Happens In My Chins)? Could This Be My SMM Progressing? No Treatment Yet.
I have had this same question. I get periodic stinging in my skin but more so on thighs and hips. I always expect to see something there afterwards, but I haven't. I do not have smoldering, but I do have myeloma in remission. I think you should mention this to your doc just to be on the safe side.
Smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) is typically asymptomatic, meaning it doesn't cause symptoms. However, if you're experiencing new or worsening bone pain, it could be a sign that SMM is progressing to active multiple myeloma. Symptoms of active multiple myeloma can include:
- Bone pain
- Nausea
- Trouble thinking
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I get low back pain and shin pain.
Yes i do get the stinging sensation in my legs with the bone pain
Yes, thank you as well. If there is one thing, I am learning through this experience is that you, yourself, know your body better than anyone. Also, do not be afraid to get a second opinion if you feel you are not being heard..
Does Anyone Have Smoldering Myeloma?are You Doing Treatment?
Update: My Diagnosis Is Smoldering Myeloma Based On The ONC Update Today: 1) BMB 20% 2) Bone Scan NEGATIVE 3) EGFR Normal, 88. Monitoring.
Need To Get A Second Opinion For Smoldering Multiple Myeloma